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Animation demo reel


Quick 2 min video of the work you'll find on this page

#christiancorsica #technical #animator #rigging #scripts #art

Goretusk Rig

Fall 2017


Got to figure out how to use existing rigging modules to rig a half man half mammoth character. Then skinned it and animated it! Fun but tough times, six stretchy limbs is a lot to handle.

Imaginext rigs

Winter 2017


Got to learn V-ray with this project! I prepped all the character models for animation by retopologizing and connecting geometry in Zbrush. UVed, rigged, skinned, and animated some shots as well. While I didn't animate all of the shots, I did block out all the shots and set keyframes to be used in animation. Super happy with the final animation style for this episode, we grabbed a lot of inspiration from the Lego Movie.

Teen Pirate Rig and Dummy Rig

Winter 2016


Unfinished short film, Practice Buddy.


Responsible for models, textures, rigs, and animation. Voiced by Enrique Lopez. Music composed by Glenn Zieve. Sounds mixed by Tim Preston. VFX by Nagender Boga.

Beatbo, BeatBowwow, and Boogie Rigs

Summer 2016


Responsible for all character animation. Paws up! Now wag your tail now!

Beatbo, BeatBowwow, and Boogie Rigs

Summer 2016


Responsible for almost all character animation. Which ones aren't my shots? Well, if the character's eyes are squishy, then it is not a shot I worked on (Only two shots in the video are not mine). Let's count to ten though!

Teen Pirate Rig

Summer 2016


Recorded on iPhone 5s front facing camera, edited footage in After Effects, motion tracking in Matchmover, transfered track data to Maya where I cleaned the animation in order to match the rig.

Fox Rig

Fall 2015


Animated a puppy interacting with an inanimate object and changing expressions. I had tons of fun with this one! I got to learn a few things about cartoonish 3D animation as well as head pivots.

DinoRider Animations

Multiple Rigs

Summer 2015


Over the summer, I had the opportunity to work for Teravision Games and helping them animate dinosaurs for the upcoming game: DinoRider. These are some of the animations I created for the game. 


Malcolm Rig

Fall 2014 - Winter 2015


A few exercises done with the Malcolm rig. Great way of learning how to animate in 3D.


The Rockafeller Skank - Fatboy Slim


Malcolm and Zombie Rig

Spring 2015


Still practicing dialogue, acting, and reacting. Those hands were troublesome! But zombies are always a blast to animate.


Stewart Rig

Spring 2015


Using video reference, I made a 104 frame Tae Kwon Do fight. I was very concerned with posing and exaggeration. I am content with the fluidity of the movements and the pacing.


Malcolm Rig

Spring 2015


Character reacting to sound. The cuckoo clock drives this night guard man nuts as he fumbles to discover who has disturbed his peace. Cool gun stumble and pacing with long pauses.


Boy Rig

Winter 2015


The character attempts to pick up and object, fail, retries and succeeds. Think of sword in the stone/Excalibur gone wrong. I worked on learning quick acting habits as he pauses and thinks. Beanbag eyes makes acting and thought more difficult.


Chair and Toothpaste Rig

Fall 2014


Asked to bring an inanimate object to life. I animated a desperate chair as he inevitably rolls through the sad toothpaste. I learned how to oppose momentum in this assignment.

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